My main page will be all stuff Inquiry Project based, but here will be random thoughts not really connected to the current events, or my project.
Hello & welcome! My name is Haley and this is my last course towards my teacher-librarianship diploma. I am really excited about this inquiry project because I think it will push me into new experiences using tools I may not have thought of using before. For example completing my Autobiography of a Tech User was the first time I had used Glogster, and now that I am more familiar with it, I am looking forward to creating more involved ‘glogs’. Before starting this assignment I would have described myself as an intermediate tech user. But then I read the suggestions for novice tech users and hadn’t heard of any of those Web 2.0 tools! I do enjoy learning about new tech tools, and often find I learn most by simply playing around with it than I do by reading books on it, or going to seminars. That way I can learn only the things I specifically want to, and don’t have to listen to someone explain things I already know, or am not interested in knowing. I find when learning new things, whether it is new programs, or new activities, using my common sense and problem solving skills serve me the best.
Autobiography of a Tech User